Golang errors with stack trace and source fragments.
Easily deploy Sentry on your Kubernetes Cluster
Help fight against the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic
Simple terminal based sequence editor for git interactive rebase.
Build Container Images In Kubernetes
A GraphQL client for React using modern context and hooks APIs that is lightweight (< 4 kB) but powerful; the first Relay and Apollo alternative with server side rendering.
Fluid Transitions for React Navigation
Routing and navigation for your React Native apps
Easier React Native upgrades by clearly expose changes from a version to another. 🚀
Angular Universal seed project featuring Server-Side Rendering, @fuse-box bundling, material, firebase, Jest, Nightmare, and more
✨ An Ionic Starter kit featuring Tests, E2E, Karma, Protractor, Jasmine, Istanbul, Gitlab CI, Automatic IPA and APK, TypeScript 2, TsLint, Codelyzer, Typedoc, Yarn, Rollup, and Webpack 2
🚀 Upload files via DDP or HTTP to ☄️ Meteor server FS, AWS, GridFS, DropBox or Google Drive. Fast, secure and robust.
A react-native boilerplate based on Meteor/Mantra
Kickstart application with Mantrajs and meteor-webpack
A Formsy compatibility wrapper for Material-UI form components
🎨 Color Pickers from Sketch, Photoshop, Chrome, Github, Twitter & more
Side menu component for React Native
React Native UI Components for Material Design
A gesture password component for React Native. It supports both iOS and Android since it's written in pure JavaScript.
(DEPRECATED) use jedwards1211/crater instead