This is a Full Functioning Minesweeper Game
The project is built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and incorperating function programming priciples for easier development, navigation and testing.
You win if you are able to reveal all the tiles (non-mine) and mark all the mines.
- Reveal tile - left-click
- Mark tile - right-click
- Un-mark tile - right-click (again)
To Run the project, first install the packages using npm install
then run npm run start
to run the project.
The project also has both unit tests, built using Jest testing library with 100% test coverage, and end-to-end tests, using Cypess.
- To run Unit Tests run:
npm run test
- To run end-to-end tests:
npm run test:e2e
- Live Site URL: Live Site
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- CSS custom properties
- JavaScript
- Jest - JavaScript Testing Library
- Cypress - End-to-End Testing Library
- Babel - JavaScript Compiler
- Parcel - Build Tool
I learned how to incorporate functional programming principles. I also learned how to build tests, both unit and end-to-end tests
- Web Dev Simplified Js Course - This helped me for build the project, by teaching me advanced js priciples and concept.
This project was built with the help of Web Dev Simplified Advanced JavaScript Course.