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Monext Magento 2 Module

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This plugin allows you to use the Monext payment system with a Magento 2 ecommerce application.


This plugin integrate with native Magento 2 orders' workflow and provides the following features: It allows you to:

  • Do onsite payment with embedded widget or offsite on a payment page hosted by Monext.
  • Cancel payments.
  • Refund payments.

Supported payment methods

This plugin supports several payment methods. You can also check our documentation for more information about other supported payment methods.



  • Magento >= 2.3

Installation process

Using composer

Using archive

Log in to the Magento server, go to your Magento install dir.

You have to create a new directory to store the module zip package, (x.y.z is the version of the module).

mkdir -p extra/composer/artifact/zip

Save the zip package in the directory extra/composer/artifact/zip

Run composer to deploy module and dependencies (monext/payline-sdk)

composer config artifact extra/composer/artifact/zip
composer require monext/module-payline:x.y.z

Run magento command to enable the module

php -f bin/magento module:enable Monext_Payline
php -f bin/magento setup:upgrade


Here are the main configuration fields for the payment method:

  • Open configuration menu under STORES > Settings > Configuration > SALES > Payment Methods > Monext

Screenshot showing payment method configuration in backoffice

  • Configuration
    • Merchant ID
    • Access key
    • Environment
      • Homologation for debug and test purpose.
      • Production for real payment.

Screenshot showing payment method configuration common in backoffice

  • Cpt payment
    • Enable
    • Title
    • Integration type
    • Payment action

Screenshot showing payment method configuration cpt in backoffice

  • Cpt payment / Payline order status

Screenshot showing payment method configuration status in backoffice

  • Contracts

Contracts are imported under the "Payline Contracts" section. The multi-select "Contracts" fied allows to choose which one will be visible on your store.

Screenshot showing payment method configuration contract in backoffice

Additional resources for developers

To learn more about how the API used by the plugin and how to modify or use Magento 2 with it to fit your needs:


This plugin's source code is completely free and released under the terms of the MIT license.

Contact and support

If you want to contact us, the best way is through this page on our website and send us your question(s).

We guarantee that we answer as soon as we can!

If you need support you can also directly check our FAQ section and contact us on the support page.