Monitoring system for GDPR compliance of Public Administrations
Website of Monitora PA
This website has been created by several AUTHORS.
It's brought to you under the Hacking License that, as an explicit wrap contract between you and the authors, must also be applied to all dependant and derivative works (including the outputs you produce running the system), recursively.
You cannot mix (A)GPL code with hacks covered by the Hacking License.
We embrace aestetics of extreme minimalism almost brutalist for several long term strategic reasons, among them
being aesthetically different, as far as possible from Material, Bootstrap and similar projects, makes it clear for managers in Public Administrations that we are not looking for visibility but only to have the Law respected and lives and rights of our people protected
kids and teen who approach our website will see something very different from what they see elsewhere, completely focused on contents and that do not try in any way to lure them or to retain them. And they will see that the project is successful and think "Hey, you might be successful even by being that different?"
we can't use the aestetics of our adversaries to oppose them without legitimizing their existance.
People come (and stay) on our website for what we do and for the data and software we produce and forcing them to browse a weirdly simple site (while accessible and very readable and easy to use) extends their Overton window, move them out of their usual perspective and force them to see how empty are so many media channel the are cool and fashion (as defined by USA-corporate marketing).
Code like if your hack should be maintained by a child who just learned how to code.
Do NOT try to solve problems that you haven't measured before.
Do NOT apply any "enterprise best practice". We are not a company.
Do NOT try to show us how smart you are. We don't care.
Avoid dependencies.
Use good sense... but remember: it's not common.