Data Analytics Coding Fundamentals (BIDA302) is offered by the University of Victoria's Continuing Studies, part of the Business Intelligence and Data Analytics series.
The important thing is that you solve the problem that you’re working on, not write the most concise and elegant code (although that’s definitely something you want to strive towards!)
- Grolemund & Wickham, R for Data Science, 21.5 (The map functions)
BIDA302, most recent offering -- draft, subject to change
Solutions to the in-class hands-on exercises can be found as online interactive tutorials; they are housed in the tutormanner
The capstone projects for BIDA302 get their own repo
2022.1.x -- offered 2022, spring (2022-01-08 to 2022-02-18 & 2022-03-05 to 2022-04-10)
2021.2.x -- offered 2021, fall (2021-11-06 to 2021-12-12)
2021.1.x -- offered 2021, spring (2021-03-06 to 2021-04-18)
2020.2.x -- offered 2020, fall (2020-10-24 to 2020-11-29)
2020.1.x -- offered 2020, spring (2020-02-29 to 2020-04-04)
2019.1.x -- offered 2019, fall (2019-11-02 to 2019-12-07)
The course book (for which this GitHub repo is the source) can be found here:
bookdown::publish_book(name = "DataAnalyticsCodingFundamentals", account = "martin_monkman")