Vuex module for caching cryptocurrency indexes in a Vue applicatoin. This module depends on the bletchley-indexes package, which parses and download the CSV updates published by bletchley indexes. Since CORS is not supported by you would have to cache the CSV files yourself.
$ yarn add bletchley-indexes-vuex
# OR
$ npm install bletchley-indexes-vuex
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vue'
import BletchleyModule from 'bletchley-indexes-vuex'
const store = new Vuex.Store({state: {}, modules: {bletchley: BletchleyModule}})
<h2>Bletchley Indexes</h2>
<form v-on:submit.prevent>
<select v-model="currentCryptoSymbol">
<option disabled>Select Currency</option>
<option v-for="(crypto) in cryptoCurrencies" v-bind:key="crypto.crypto">
{{ crypto }}
<li v-for="(bletchleyName,bletchleyIndex) in filterBletchleyIndexNames"
<p>{{ bletchleyName }}</p>
<li v-for="(currency,currencyIndex) in cryptocurrenciesForIndex(bletchleyName)"
{{ currency.symbol }}
// helper methods to unpack the coinmarketcap module state and actions
import { mapState, mapActions } from 'vuex';
// Convenience method for date manipulation
import moment from 'moment';
export default {
name: 'BletchleyList',
mounted() {
data() {
return { lastMonth: moment().subtract(1, 'months').toDate(), currentCryptoSymbol: undefined };
computed: {
// mapping out the isloading, in case disable form submission when requesting valuations
...mapState('bletchley', {
bletchleyIndexNames: state => state.indexes,
cryptoCurrencies: state => state.currencies,
// if a cryptocurrency has been slected with currentCryptoSymbol,
// filter the index name list to contain indexe names that includes the
// crypto currency
filterBletchleyIndexNames() {
let result = this.bletchleyIndexNames;
if (this.currentCryptoSymbol) {
result = result.filter((name) => {
const month = this.$store.getters['bletchley/updateForIndexAndDate'](name, this.lastMonth);
const test = month.currencies.findIndex(item => item.symbol === this.currentCryptoSymbol);
return test > 0;
return result;
methods: {
// mapping out updateCoins action retrives latest valuations for specfic fiat currency
...mapActions('bletchley', ['retrive']),
cryptocurrenciesForIndex(indexName) {
return this.$store.getters['bletchley/updateForIndexAndDate'](indexName, this.lastMonth).currencies;
//Given a year and a month, retrive the corresponding indexes from
let payload = new Date(2018,9)
//returns cached update for a specific month and index name.
store.getters['bletchley/updateForIndexAndDate']('10 Index',new Date(2018,9))
//returns all cached updates for a index.
store.getters['bletchley/updatesForIndex']('10 Index')
//array of index names cached
//array of cryptocurrency symbols tracked through the different indexes