I've built a number of show case projects to develop my understanding of software engineering approaches and demonstrate some best practice. I've used both Gemini or ChatGPT as co-pilot and have picked up some super interesting experiences with these along the way.
- custom assertions library for Java (not based on AssertJ or Truth)
- supports fluency
GitHub Actions:
- actions/checkout
- actions/cache
- actions/setup-java
- actions/upload-artifact
Multiple self-hosted runners
- Windows 10
- Linux/GNOME (OpenSuse 15.5)
- Linux CLI-only (OpenSuse 15.5)
Junit 5 test cases
Playwright test cases
- Chrome
- FF
- Webkit (Safari)
Test tools
- Rest-Assured / RestSharp
- Wiremock
- Allure (TBD) & customer test reporting classes
- Browserstack integration
Docker image creation
JAR deployment and execution
- Junit5 native assertions
- Junit5 with Hamcrest matchers
- AssertJ https://assertj.github.io/doc/
- Truth https://truth.dev/