Note: This project is WIP and not yet usable.
The goal of this small chess engine is not to reach the absolute best performance,
instead I want to focus on creating a chess engine which has the ability of an average
human player (estimated around 1100 ranking),
and have a beautiful, user-friendly interface.
- start new game
- set any valid board position via FEN string.
- able to flip board
- show/collapse ui explanation
- show possible moves for pawns and knights
- move pawns and knights
- move gen
- pawn
- knight
- bishop
- rook
- queen
- king
- position evaluation
- show position evaluation in bar under chess board
Note: "test" button is used to trigger events on the wip part
The blue square is the active square, the green squares are squares the knight can move to
MIT © Moritz Loewenstein