A small JS fetch wrapper to work in a couple with JSend. Feel free to use as a boilerplate and a plain extension point.
##! The library is unstable and not intended to a direct usage, please, consider using it as a boilerplate.
import Fetcheer from 'fetcheer'
return Fetcheer.request(input, init) // purely like fetch(input, init)
.then(Fetcheer.check200) // trivial 200 code checker
.then(response => {
// standard object of the Response interface
.catch(error => {
// server responded with the code different from 200
import Fetcheer from 'fetcheer'
.then(jsendResponse => {
// do something with jsend
.catch(error => {
// server responded with the code different from 200
// or jsend is not parsed
import Fetcheer from 'fetcheer'
* @type {{name: string, address: {street: string}, photo: File}}
const user = {
name: 'Ivan',
address: {street: 'Ever Green str.'},
photo: file
const postBody = Fetcheer.objectToFormData(user)
const postOptions = Fetcheer.getPostOptions(postBody)
return Fetcheer.getJsend('/user-save-handler/', postOptions)
// ...
import Fetcheer from 'fetcheer'
Fetcheer.getJsend('some url')
.then(Fetcheer.checkJsendSuccess) // check if the jsend has success status
.then(data => {
// this code is called ONLY for successful a JSend
.catch(/** @param {string|string[]|*} error - message from jsend with error status or data from jsend fail */
error => {