Certificate: See credential
Credential ID: F9GDCGFK
- Developed 6 apps in Java, XML and SQL.
- Using Activities, Fragments, Adapters, RecyclerViews, ConstraintLayouts, Loaders, JSON parsing, RESTful APIs, Content Providers and SQLite Databases.
- Followed Android Style Conventions and Guidelines, Clean Code and OOP.
- Tools like Android Studio, Gradle, Git and Github.
- As well as 3rd party libraries like ButterKnife.
Project 1: Build a Single Screen App
The app displays information about me as a freelancer.
Project 2: Score Keeper App
The app keeps the score of a football match.
Project 3: Quiz App
The app is a quiz about Egypt.
Project 4: Musical Structure App
Project 5: Tour Guide App
The app shows some of the attractions of Egypt.
Project 6: News App
Create a News feed app which gives the user regularly-updated news from the internet related to a particular topic, person, or location.
The app fetch news from The Guardian.