This repo contains code for training models in a federated fashion using PyTorch and Slurm. This includes simple local training, federated averaging, and personalization. Moreover, this repo reproduces the results of the paper "Certified Robustness in Federated Learning".
To reproduce our results, first you need to install our environment by running the following line:
conda env create -f rs_fl.yml
Then, activate our environment by running
conda activate rs_fl
Note that this repo is compatible with training deep models in a federated fashion in PyTorch. It leverages SLURM to distribute the training of each client on separate GPUs.
To perform local training (each client will train solely on their portion of the dataset), run
This file contains the configuration of the training. The parameters are:
: Number of clients you want to distribute the dataset on.MODEL
: The architecture to be used. In our experiments, we only used resnet18.DATASET
: Dataset to train on. In our experiments, we only used cifar10 and mnist.TOTALEPOCHS
: Total number of training epochs.LOCALEPOCHS
: Number of local epochs performed per communication round. For local training, please setLOCALEPOCHS=TOTALEPOCHS
: Augmentation method to be used during training and certification.LR
: Learning rate used during training.STEP_SZ
: Number of steps before reducing the learning rate by a factor of 10.BATCH_SZ
: Batch size used to train each client.MAX
: Maximum number of instances for certification. To run only training without certification, placeMAX=0
Note that there are 3 dataset choices, 2 architectures and 7 augmentation methods. In our experiments, we deployed resnet18 on either MNIST or CIFAR10. We used either nominal, rotation, translation, or affine for the augmentation. This part of the code is heavily based on the paper "DeformRS: Certifying Input Deformations with Randomized Smoothing" (paper, code)
dataset_choices = ['mnist', 'cifar10', 'imagenet']
model_choices = ['resnet18', 'resnet50']
aug_choices = ['nominal', 'gaussianFull', 'rotation', 'translation', 'affine', 'scaling_uniform', 'DCT']
To perform Federated training combined with personalization, run
This file contains the configuration of the training. The parameters are:
: Number of clients you want to distribute the dataset on.MODEL
: The architecture to be used.DATASET
: Dataset to train on.TOTALEPOCHS
: Total number of training epochs.LOCALEPOCHS
: Number of local epochs performed per communication round. Total number of communication rounds isTOTALEPOCHS/LOCALEPOCHS
: Number of epochs to perform personalization.AUG_METHOD
: Augmentation method to be used during federated training.FINE_TUNE_AUG_METHOD
: Augmentation methodLR
: Learning rate used during training.STEP_SZ
: Number of steps before reducing the learning rate by a factor of 10.BATCH_SZ
: Batch size used to train each client.MAX
: Maximum number of instances for certification. To run only training without certification, placeMAX=0
Note the output of the code will be saved in the fl_rs_output
directory. You will find the tensorboard logs in fl_rs_output/tensorboard
. The trained models for each architecture can be found in fl_rs_output/output
. The certification result for each client can be found in fl_rs_output/output/certify
. The certification output of this process is a txt file with the following header:
idx label predict radius correct time
: index of the instance in the test set.label
: ground truth label for that instance.predict
: predicted label for that instance.radius
: the radius of that instance.correct
: a flag that shows whether the instance is correctly classified or not.time
: time required to runcertify
on that instance.
To compute the certified accuracy at a given radius R, you need to count the number of instances that are classified correctly (correct flag is 1), and has a radius that is at least R.