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Rob Garrison edited this page Aug 19, 2016 · 2 revisions

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  • This is the class added to the grip/handle to add extra styling.
  • It can be any css class name.
  • Look for the preset styles in the "pathslider.css" file named "black", "silver", "chrome1" and "chrome2".
  • Default setting is an empty string ('').


  • When true, the grip/handle will rotate using css3 transformations to match the pathslider curve.
  • When false, the grip does not rotate
  • The grip always gets it's data-degrees attribute updated with the current angle - I plan on changing this to data-angle in the next update.
  • Default setting is true.


  • When true, this option will add a canvas under the slider and draw the curve.
    • The curve is drawn using the style settings from the curve option below.
    • If the browser does not support the canvas tag, this option is ignored.
  • When false, no canvas is added to the slider.
  • Default setting is true.


  • This option contains an object with the canvas curve style settings
  • It has settings for the curve width, set as pixels.
  • The curve color style can be set. At present, the builder only allows a solid color. In future versions of the builder, I hope to include a method to include a gradient or pattern.
  • The cap setting determines how the end of the curve is drawn. Canvas settings are "round", "butt" and "square". Please see this page to see the differences in these settings.
  • The default setting is { width: 4, color: "#333", cap: "round" }
  • In version 1.0.0, if the color setting is an array of two colors:
    • The first color will apply to the portion of the curve to the left of the grip, and the second color will apply to the curve right of the grip.
    • This method adds a linear gradient which works well on linear sliders. Sliders that loop back on themselves (like presets 4 & 5 of the builder demo) will not accurately add the gradient colors using this method.

Curve Settings


  • This option sets the starting percentage value of the grip on the curve.
  • The curve, at this time, starts from zero percent (green control point) and ends at 100 percent (red control point).
  • The grip is set as a percentage and is limited to any number between 0 and 100 (fractional percentages allows, i.e. 43.7%).
  • The percentage value is updated as the grip moves both in the option and in the slider.percent variable (see events page for more details).
  • In future versions, this value will be an actual value between a set minimum and maximum numerical value.
  • The default value is 50 (percent).


  • This option sets the bezier control points.

  • Currently, the bezier curve requires four points: start, start control, end control and ending points.

  • If you've ever used Adobe Illustator or Corel Draw, you'll recognize this curve.

    points of the bezier curve

  • These points are set up as follows: Given these points

    // sx,sy     = start x & y
    // csxo,csyo = control start x & y offset from start point
    // cexo,ceyo = control end x & y offset from end point
    // ex,ey     = end x & y
    //       [ sx,sy,  csxo,csyo, cexo,ceyo,  ex,ey  ]
    points : [ 25,150,   50,-50,   -50,-50,  275,150 ]
  • Additionally, it would help to be aware that the canvas coordinate systems has a flipped y-axis when compared to the cartesian coordinate system

    cartesian versus canvas coordinate systems

Smoothness Tweaks


  • This option contains the total number of points along the curve that will be saved while the curve is being built.
  • Increasing the number of points will smooth out the grip movement along the curve, but could slow down initialization and processing when the window resizes.
  • When increasing this number, increase it in increments of 100 (100, 200, 300, 400, 500). But don't go higher than 500, or you'll notice the lag.
  • I plan on making the script automatically determine this number; or use a completely different method eventually.
  • Default value is 100.


  • This value is the number of points to test around the current point (in the positive and negative direction), so 3 would test 6 data points on either side of the curve.
  • Increasing this number will actually allow you to scroll faster, but it makes the grip jump around more.
  • The builder has this value limited to a range of 1 to 5. But if the number is any higher, there is no noticable difference.
  • Default value is 3.


  • This value is the distance between the mouse cursor and the curve to search for a matching x/y value.
  • Optimally, this value is set to be around the same width of the grip.
  • Adjust this value to smooth out the grip movement (smaller is smoother, larger moves faster)
  • The builder has this limited to a range from 20 to 50 pixels.
  • Default is 30.



  • This callback function, added in v1.0.0, is called before create and slide events to allow modifying the canvas.

  • This function is never executed if the the browser does not support the use of canvas or the useCanvas option is false.

  • Use this callback to add a gradient stroke, or apply any desired canvas changes.

  • The canvas (ctx) lineCap, lineJoin, lineWidth and strokeStyle are set from the plugin options before this callback. Modify them as desired, or if applying other changes to the canvase, make sure to draw the curve first - use slider.finishCurve(ctx, points)

  • The canvas beginPath, moveTo, bezierCurveTo and stroke functions are executed after this callback, unless you explicitly return false from the drawCanvas function. It was done this way just in case you have already performed those drawing functions.

  • This example shows how to add a linear gradient (same method used when the curve.color setting is an array). It works well on linear sliders. Sliders that loop (like presets 4 & 5 of the builder demo) will not accurately add the gradient colors using this method.

    drawCanvas : function(slider, ctx, points) {
      // slider.ctx === ctx
      // slider.pointsxy === points
      // *** if drawing something else on the canvas, make sure finish drawing
      // the curve first!
      // slider.finishCurve(ctx, points);
      // ***
      var start = slider.percent / 100,
        grad = ctx.createLinearGradient(points[0], points[1], points[6], points[7]);
      grad.addColorStop(0, '#f00');
      grad.addColorStop(start, '#f00');
      if (start + 0.01 <= 1) {
        start += 0.01;
      grad.addColorStop(start, '#00f');
      grad.addColorStop(1, '#00f');
      // assign gradients to fill and stroke styles
      ctx.strokeStyle = grad;
      // return a false value to prevent the curve from being drawn
      // in case you already did it!
      // return false;
  • The following canvas functions are executed after the drawCanvas callback, if return false is not used:

    ctx.moveTo(points[0], points[1]);
    ctx.bezierCurveTo(points[2], points[3], points[4], points[5], points[6], points[7]);

    These canvas functions are included inside of slider.finishCurve(ctx, points).


  • The create, update, start, slide, change and stop callbacks are called when the event is triggered. For more details, see the Events page.
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