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Luca Mussoni edited this page Nov 8, 2018 · 22 revisions

Table is a type of page you can create to display a list of data from your database. It has all the features of ng2-smart-table and more.


Name Type Required Description
title string no Title displayed in the header of the table
lang boolean no If table has multi-lang content
api Object yes Api configuration
api.endpoint string yes Endpoint to call to retrieve data
api.countEndpoint string no If endpoint to count is different than api.endpoint/count
api.filter string no If enabled, table will call endpoint?filter=filter
drag Object no If enabled, table will support the drag&drop to sort feature
drag.sortField string no Default: 'weight'
drag.endpoint string no If not defined, it will be api.endpoint/sort
drag.method string no Method to use to call drag.endpoint. Default: patch
noDataMessage string no Message to display when the api returns an empty result. Default: 'No data found'
columns Object yes Please see columns
generalActions Array no Please see actions
actions Object no Table actions (edit, create, delete...)
actions.columnTitle Object no Actions column title. Default: 'Actions'
actions.add Object no Please see actions
actions.list Object no Please see actions
selectMode string no 'multi' or 'single'. Default 'single'
pager Object no Pagination configuration
pager.perPage number no Items per page. Default: 10


Columns defines the structure of the table. Each key of the columns object has the following configuration

Name Type Required Description
key string no If column key is different than column name (useful for composed values). Note: this key will be used for API
title string yes Title of the column
type string yes text - boolean - email - url - color - image - icon - date
hidden boolean no If true, column will be not visible
width string no Example: 10% (it may be used for numbers)
sort boolean no If false, table data will not be sortable by column
filter Object no If not set, filter will be based on type. See filters for further information.


If filter property is not defined, the table will handle it based on the column type. (text input for text, date range picker for dates, checkbox for booleans). If you need a select filter, please see this.

Default value: You can set a default value for your filters, based on the filter set in api.filter or filters that are defined in query string parameters of the current table page. Or simply, you can directly define the default value. Example:

  "api": {
    "endpoint": "some/endpoint",
    "filter": "{'where': {'visible': true}}"


  "type": "boolean",
  "title": "Is visible",
  "filter": {
    "default": "where.visible"

Select filter

Example of a select filter for column. Please note that config.options can be an array or a string which defines the endpoint to call to retrieve that array.

If you want to use the autocomplete function (data is refreshed every time the user types something in the text field), avoid the config.options option and use instead, providing the endpoint to call.

"filter": {
  "type": "select",
  "config": {
    "placeholder": "Select...",
    "options": [
      {"id": 1, "text": "Value 1"},
      {"id": 2, "text": "Value 2"},
    "options": "endpoint/options",
    "search": {
        "endpoint": "endpoint/search"


Table actions can be generalActions which work on all the table data, and actions which work on a single row. All the actions have the same structure. Please note that generalActions and actions.list are arrays of action Objects, instead, actions.add is a single action object.

Name Type Required Description
name string yes Name of the action
content string yes Content of the action button (can be also HTML)
class string no Defines the color of the button: success
enableOn string - Object no Please see conditional actions
visibleOn string - Object no Please see conditional actions
config Object yes Please see config

Conditional actions

You can easily enable/disable or show/hide an action based on a condition of the row. There are 2 ways to do it:

Setting the property to a boolean value that the data-row has:

  "enableOn": "someProp",
  "visibleOn": "!anotherProp",

In this case, the action will be enabled only if the current row has the property someProp equal to true and visible only if the current row has the property anotherProp equal to false.

The another way to do this, is by composing a more complex condition:

  "enableOn": {
    "property": "someProp",
    "operator": "neq",
    "value": "someValue"

In this case, the action will be enabled only if the current row has the property someProp neq (not equal) to value. If the operator is not set, by default, it will be eq (equal).


Name Type Required Description
path string no If action must redirect to a path
titleField string no If path contains ':title', this part will be replaced with the field of the row
endpoint string no If action must call and endpoint
addFilters boolean no If endpoint need to add filters of the table
confirm boolean no If true, a confirmation modal will be opened after action click
method string no If endpoint is defined, this will be the method to use to call endpoint
refreshAfter boolean no If false, will not refresh table data after action (Default: true)
responseType string no Available types: 'file_download'. Check this
params Object no Please see params


TODO: write documentation when completed

Basic action examples

Here are the examples for the basic CRUD operations


  "name": "Create new",
  "content": "<i class='fa fa-plus'><\/i>",
  "class": "primary",
  "config": {
    "path": "entity/create"


  "name": "Edit",
  "content": "<i class='fa fa-edit'><\/i>",
  "class": "warning",
  "config": {
    "path": "entity/edit/:id/:title",
    "titleField": "nome"


  "name": "Delete",
  "content": "<i class='fa fa-trash'><\/i>",
  "class": "danger",
  "config": {
    "endpoint": "entity/:id",
    "method": "delete",
    "confirm": true

Download file action example

If you want to make an action that will download a file, you can do this in the following way:

NOTE: if the API server sets the Content-disposition:attachment response header, use the "forceDownload" parameter for direct download. Otherwise, if the server returns the CSV content directly in the response body, configure the "file" parameter for client-side download.

  "name": "Export csv",
  "content": "Export CSV <i class='fa fa-download'><\/i> ",
  "class": "success",
  "config": {
    "endpoint": "export/csv",
    "addFilters": true,
    "method": "get",
    "responseType": "file_download",
    "refreshAfter": false,
    "forceDownload": true,
    "file": {
      "name": "downloaded_file_name",
      "extension": "csv"


The table will make the following HTTP requests

  • GET /endpoint/count (to count the data)
  • GET /endpoint (to fetch the data)
  • PATCH /endpoint/sort (if drag&drop enabled for sorting)

Examples can be found in setup.json

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