The aim of this library is to enable seamless integration of Zod validation with Antd form fields.
npm install antd-zod
Link to npm package antd-zod.
- For Antd@^4.0.0 use antd-zod@^4.0.0
import z from 'zod';
import { Form, Button, Input, InputNumber } from 'antd';
import { createSchemaFieldRule } from 'antd-zod';
// Create zod schema - base schema MUST be an object
const CustomFormValidationSchema = z.object({
fieldString: z.string(),
fieldNumber: z.number(),
// Create universal rule for Form.Item rules prop for EVERY schema field
const rule = createSchemaFieldRule(CustomFormValidationSchema);
// Set rule to Form.Item
const SimpleForm = () => {
return (
<Form.Item label="String field" name="fieldString" rules={[rule]}>
<Form.Item label="Number field" name="fieldNumber" rules={[rule]}>
<Button htmlType="submit">Submit</Button>
All examples are in Storybook stories
- Basic examples -
- Refined examples -
To start storybook locally, install depenedencies and run npm run storybook
Antd Form.Item (rc-field-form) has a certain validation lifecycle which works the best with Form.Item rules. In order to respect that behaviour, antd-zod
provides a way to create a generic rule that will validate all schema properties and refinements on a field level.
- Base schema for Form data must be an object
- Object may have refinements on a root level
- Object may have nested object children
- Object children may have their own refinements