Main purpose of this app is school management. User can add, manage and delete entities: Students, Teachers, Marks, Subjects.
Saving is optional and needs to be done by user. In settings there are options for managing saves.
Choose what to do:
1. Students
2. Teachers
3. Subjects
4. Settings
5. Close app
Options: 1-3. navigates you to manage certain entities; 4. navigates you to settings; 5. closes the app
Choose what to do:
1. List
2. Add
3. Manage
4. Return
- List - list all the entities, give full info when entity is selected
- Add - navigate to creating page
- Manage - list all the entities, display edit menu when entity is selected
You can add marks either in
- Subjects -> Manage -> (entity) -> Marks
- Marks -> Manage -> (entity) -> Marks
You can save, load or clear your data in settings (Main menu -> 4. Settings).
There also an option to choose file type of your saves. If you change it, previos data save will be rewritten to match your new choice.
There IS NOT ANY autosave, you must do all saves by manually selecting proper action.
Marcin Szopa