This presentation and code example were written as a short 30 minute talk and 30 minute code discussion aimed at anyone who codes C or C++ and has an understanding memory and addressing, specifically aimed at either professional programmers, or other programmers who know enough to follow along.
Those were the intentions... The reality is, I wrote the majority of the presentation in one night while drunk on holiday, I wrote the game while sitting around the pool a few days later without thinking too hard (*see the poor snake implementation) and then I panicked 1 day before I first presented it, filled in the majority of slides with screen grabs from VSCode and corrected a couple of errors. The upshot being something that I would present and real-time fix the mistakes. Maybe one day I'll re-write it and correct the errors so it resembles somethign close to a proper presentation, but until then this is all you get. No backsies!