NECTA-TOOL is a tool for fetching and displaying necta results working in both Android devices(TERMUX), UBUNTU and LINUX OS.
- You need internet access to use this tool.
- Fetches and displaying O-level and A-level results.
- Easy to use, Good UI.
- Uses an API (necta-api).
- Works fine in both LINUX OS,UBUNTU and Android (TERMUX).
You can install 'NECTA-TOOL' in your system.
- 'git clone'
- 'pip install bs4'
- 'pip install nectaapi'
- 'pip install tabulate'
- 'pip install requests'
- 'chmod +x install'
- 'sh install'
Or install in one line
git clone && pip install nectaapi && pip install tabulate && pip install requests &&pip install bs4 && cd NECTA-TOOL && chmod +x install && sh install
There are two ways:
- necta results
- necta {school number} {student number} {year} {school type} For O-level use 'school type' - csee For A-level use 'school type' - acsee
- necta help -To see how to use NECTA-TOOL.
- necta version - See your NECTA-TOOL version.
- necta update - Update NECTA-TOOL.
- necta uninstall - delete NECTA-TOOL from your system.