This is a simple command-line implementation of the classic Tic Tac Toe game in C++
Run the program in a C++ compiler.
A 3x3 Tic Tac Toe board will be displayed.
The first player will be X. They will be prompted to enter a row (1-3) and a column (1-3) to place their mark.
The second player will be O. They will be prompted to enter a row (1-3) and a column (1-3) to place their mark.
The game will continue until one player wins by getting three in a row, or there is a tie (match drawn).
The program will display the winning player or a message indicating a match draw.
Displays the Tic Tac Toe board and prompts players to enter their moves.
Checks for valid moves and prevents players from selecting an already occupied spot.
Alternates players after each turn.
Checks for a win or a draw and ends the game accordingly.
This is a command-line implementation and does not have any graphical user interface.
The game is limited to two human players.
The code does not include any tests or error handling.
Implement a graphical user interface using a library such as SDL or SFML.
Add support for playing against a computer opponent.
Implement unit tests and error handling to improve code robustness.