CodeQuizzes contains a bunch of programming practice questions on Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, Bash, Git... and more!
I created quizzes for myself when I was learning to program and decided to create CodeQuizzes as my first Rails application to share these quizzes with the world. The site is now used by hundreds of people a day!
Family (learn_programming)
Subject (ruby, golang, git)
Topic (beginner, intermediate, advanced)
A family has_many
subjects, a subject has_man
topics, a topic has_many
quizzes, a quiz has_many
This is an open souce book. Please submit pull requests if you have any suggestions to make the book better!
The JavaScript book chapters are located in the js_book directory as markdown files. The sections are organized as a directed graph in [this class] ( and the questions are added to the database via the seeds.rb file.
If a question needs to be changed, update the seeds.rb file, delete all the records in the SectionQuestion model, and then reseed the database. There is a rake task to delete all the records in the SectionQuestion model:
rake section_questions:delete_all
Let's work together to make this book awesome!
- Fork the repository
- Setup your database.yml file
- Run
rake db:migrate
- Run
rake db:seed
Submit a pull request and I will gladly merge it. If you would like to add a feature, shoot me an email and we can talk it out before you write code... or just submit a pull request and I'll merge your awesome feature.