This program was created to as part of the Distributed Systems class at University of Derby. Its a Client - Load Balancer - Client implementation of a very basic form of a music playing app. Allowing the user to make an account, view and play songs found on the server.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Any Windows/Linux/MacOs machine running Python 3.7 & Higher.
The program can run on any OS, however testing was mostly done in Windows, so there might be unexplored bugs with other operating systems.
- Download the latest Client, Load Balancer, Server Instance archives (.zip) from the releases tab.
- Extract the folders from the zip files.
- Modify host & port values in & as required (by default they're set to run on localhost and port 9999)
- Make sure Load balancer & Server Instance folders are in the same directory.
- Run on the server machine & on the client machine.
- Python - The programming language used.
- Server & Client were provided by the teacher of the class, and were modified to work with the rest of the code.
- Some code has been reused from the Networks and Security project as well.
For the versions available, check the Releases tab on the repository.