Just a simple CLI to help you quickly create apps on Urban Airship. Our iOS dev does this a lot so this will help him out. And it's always fun to automate stuff ;-)
Firefox needs no driver to work with watir and that's why it's easiest to just have Firefox installed on your computer ;-)
./urbapp new --username myUsern0me --password P0ny --name "Awesome Pocahontas" --certificate /path/to/certificate.cer --certificate-password mySecretC3rt --headless
App Key: kAWIDb29udniawd2
App Secret: kadin12dinaiwd9WAINOw
App Master Secret: ajkwdnw91d012QWdwadAWDw
./urbapp --help
urbapp new [options]
Creates a new Urban Airship app using passed in options
# Production App with Headless browser
new --username myUsern0me --password P0ny --name "Awesome Pocahontas" --certificate /path/to/certificate.cer --certificate-password mySecretC3rt --headless
# Development App
new --username myUsern0me --password P0ny --name "Awesome Pocahontas" --development
--username USERNAME
Urban Airship Username
--password PASSWORD
Urban Airship Password
--name NAME
Application name
--certificate PATH
Path to certificate eg. /path/to/certificate.p12
--certificate-password PASSWORD
Certificate password
Run a headless browser using Xvfb
Creates a development certificate, skip --certificate, --certificate-password
I've also included headless so that if you are running an application using X (most apps on *nix, a few on OSX) it will run in the background.