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Mraulio edited this page Sep 26, 2023 · 6 revisions

Here you can manage your palettes, creating new ones, deleting or exporting them. By default the app comes with several palettes that you can find here
You can see here the id of the palette under each one.

Adding new palettes

There are 2 ways of adding new palettes, showing a dialog:

  • Palette from b&w base. Press the Add palette button.

  • Use existing palette as a base. Press the desired existing palette to use as a base for the new one.
    When adding a new palette, a dialog will appear, You will see:

  • An EditText on top, to name the palette. The new palette frame must not exist previously, and it's recommended to use lowercase and no blank spaces. If the name already exists it will turn red as a warning.

  • The preview image, with the colors of the palette you are creating. The preview image will be the last image seen from the gallery (or the first one if you haven't opened an image in this session). If there are no images in the gallery, a default frame will appear.

  • The 4 colors of the palette, both in hexadecimal and as a color preview.

  • The Save button.

    You can change a color in 2 different ways:

  • Manually editing the hexadecimal code. The color will auto update when it's a valid code.

  • Touching the color you want to change. That will open a Color Picker (using this library). There you can select the desired color, press OK to save it.

Remember to change the new palette name, and press Save to add it at the bottom of the list of palettes. Now you can use it on the gallery!
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If you don't want to save the palette just press outside the dialog or back to close it.

Exporting the palettes

You can export to Download/GBCamera Manager/Palettes json a json file containing the palettes data. You can share it, import it in the Import tab, or import it into the web app.

Deleting palettes

You can delete an existing palette by performing a long press on it. A dialog will appear showing a delete message with the selected palette as a security measure. You can't delete default palettes.
If a gallery image is using the deleted palette (either on the image itself or the frame), that image will be changed to the first bw palette.
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