Project Link
Git clone the project into your local computer
git clone
Move into the project directory
cd guardian-angel
Add config.js and google-services.json file to the root of the project(firbase connection)
export const firebaseConfig = { apiKey: "<API_KEY>", authDomain: "<AUTH_DOMAIN>", databaseURL: "<DATABASE_URL>", projectId: "<PROJECT_ID>", storageBucket: "<STORAGE_BUCKET>", messagingSenderId: "<MESSAGING_SENDER_ID>", appId: "<APP_ID>", measurementId: "<MEASUREMENT_ID>", };
Install the App Dependencies
npm ci
Run the app
npm start
Checkout the master branch (never directly push to master)
git checkout master
Fetch the latest commits
git fetch origin
Reset Local copy to match remote master
git reset --hard origin/master
Create and checkout a new feature branch (use this format).
git checkout -b <your-name>/<feature-name>
git checkout -b mugilan/map-integration
Make Changes and Commit those changes
git status git add <file-name> git commit -m "<some-meaningfull-commit-message>"
Push the changes to remote
git push -u origin <your-name>/<feature-name>
Go to Github to make a PR(Pull Request). Submit PR with Meaningfull comments. Wait for approval and merge.
Delete Local Branches Safely. (checkout master branch)
git branch -d <your-name>/<feature-name>
Sync with the remote branches by pruning deleted remote branches
git fetch -p
- Separate API
- Eject from Expo
- Clean the Codebase
- Refactor
- Better Database Solution / Implement Firebase to full extent