Remove the gift nitro, gif and sticker buttons from the chat bar in discord!
Discord seems to have disabled accessing the developer console within the production version.
There are currently 2 work arounds:
- Install and use Discord Canary. You can download canary here:
- Re-Enable it in discord settings (Reccomended). You can do this by going to
and adding the following line to the bottom:
(Remember to add a comma on the previous line)
This repository is for those looking to hide the "Gift Nitro", "Boost this server", "Stickers" or "GIF" buttons from the chat bar in discord. If reading this far into the future, please note that this may not work.
There are 2 versions of the scripts here:
- "All" versions remove the Gift Nitro, Stickers and GIF buttons, (Note that you can still access gifs and stickers via the tabs in the emoji button that remains)
- "KeepGIF" versions remove the Gift Nitro and Sticker buttons only (Note that you can still access the stickers via the tab in the emoji/ gif buttons that remain)
The script will need to be re-pasted in every time you start discord. If something goes wrong, restarting discord should fix it.
To use these, while discord is open, press Ctrl + Shift + I. You will be presented with a console. First and foremost you'll be greeted with a giant message telling you that pasting anything inside the console has a high chance of being a scam. The reason they tell you this, is due to potential security/ account stealing problems, as well as potentially doing exactly what this script aimed to do: Removing nitro bloat. If unsure, get someone else to check the code before using it. Copy and paste the script into the console and hit enter.
- This may potentially hide other objects related to these things in the future if discord changes anything, so as stated above, if you happen to be using this far into the future, it may not work as expected.
- Trying to use both versions of the script at the same time will probably cause problems, don't try it.
In the event you use the web based version of discord rather than the app, Tampermonkey versions are available too:
- Remove All -
- Keep GIF -
const buttonsToHide = ["Open GIF picker", "Open sticker picker", "Send a gift", "Boost this server"];
let css = "";
buttonsToHide.forEach(button => css = css.concat(`[aria-label="${button}"]{display:none}`));
css = css.concat('[id="channel-attach-THREAD"]{display:none}');
css = css.concat('div[class^="channelAppLauncher"]{display:none}');
const style = document.createElement('style'); style.innerHTML = css;
const buttonsToHide = ["Open sticker picker", "Send a gift", "Boost this server"];
let css = "";
buttonsToHide.forEach(button => css = css.concat(`[aria-label="${button}"]{display:none}`));
css = css.concat('[id="channel-attach-THREAD"]{display:none}');
css = css.concat('div[class^="channelAppLauncher"]{display:none}');
const style = document.createElement('style'); style.innerHTML = css;