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Integration (legacy)

Murhaf Sousli edited this page Feb 18, 2024 · 1 revision

The scrollViewport directive allows you to use a custom viewport element in your template. It is used for integration with other libraries where the viewport can be another component or directive.

Basic usage

  <div scrollViewport class="custom-viewport">
    <div class="scroll-content-wrapper">
       <!-- content -->

NOTE: scrollViewport directive must be used on the direct child of <ng-scrollbar>

NOTE: When scrollViewport directive is used on an element, It is recommended that its host element to have one and only one child element that acts as a content wrapper (like .scroll-content-wrapper in the above example), this content wrapper will be used by the ResizeObserver API to observes content changes and updates the UI accordingly.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Some external libraries can cause the scrollbar to recalculate very frequently when it scrolls, which can result in flickering behaviour (like the CDK virtual scroll viewport). To avoid this, set [autoHeightDisabled]="true"

Integrate with ngx-infinite-scroll.

  <div infiniteScroll [scrollWindow]="false" scrollViewport>
      <mat-list-item class="example-item" *ngFor="let i of array">
        {{ i }}

Integrate with CDK Scrollable

If you need to get hold of the scrollable element of the component, you can add a child element and then assign it with scrollViewport directive

  <div scrollViewport cdkScrollable>
     <!-- CONTENT -->

Integrate with CDK VirtualScroll.

  <cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport itemSize="50" scrollViewport>
    <div *cdkVirtualFor="let item of items">{{item}}</div>

Integrate with CDK Drag and Drop

<ng-scrollbar track="horizontal" appearance="standard">

  <div class="tabs"

    <div class="tab" *ngFor="let tab of tabs" 
                     [ngClass]="{ selected: selectedTab === }" 
		     (mousedown)="selectedTab ="
      <span class="tab-label">{{ tab.label }}</span>
      <span class="tab-close pi pi-times"></span>

ng-scrollbar {
  height: 70px;
  width: 100%;
