Common predefined error messages for HTTP based services.
Install the package using npm: npm install muses-errors
Load the module as usual: var errors = require('muses-errors');
var errors = require('muses-errors');
var error = new errors.Error('Some Error', 1);
error.message === 'Some Error'; // true
error.code === 1; // true
error instanceof errors.Error; // true
error instanceof Error; // true
Muses Errors includes many predefined error types for common HTTP errors. They're organized into two error branches: ClientError
for the 4xx error codes and ServerError
for the 5xx error codes.
Example: Not Found (404)
var errors = require('muses-errors');
var error = errors.NotFound('Resource not found.');
error.code === 404; // true
error instanceof errors.NotFound; // true
error instanceof errors.ClientError; // true
error instanceof errors.Error; // true
error instanceof Error; // true
JSON.stringify(error); // {"name":"NotFound","message":"Resource not found.","code":404}
The client errors handle the 4xx range of HTTP status codes.
- ClientError
- BadRequest
- Unauthorized
- PaymentRequired
- Forbidden
- NotFound
- MethodNotAllowed
- NotAcceptable
- ProxyAuthenticationRequired
- RequestTimeout
- Conflict
- Gone
- LengthRequired
- PreconditionFailed
- RequestEntityTooLarge
- RequestUriTooLong
- UnsupportedMediaType
- RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable
- ExpectationFailed
- MisdirectedRequest
- UnprocessableEntity
- Locked
- FailedDependency
- UpgradeRequired
- PreconditionRequired
- TooManyRequests
- RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge
The client errors handle the 5xx range of HTTP status codes.
- ServerError
- InternalServerError
- NotImplemented
- BadGateway
- ServiceUnavailable
- GatewayTimeout
- HttpVersionNotSupported
- VariantAlsoNegotiates
- InsufficientStorage
- LoopDetected
- NotExtended
- NetworkAuthenticationRequired