- Use a Python Flask–powered RESTful API, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and one database: SQLite.
- Make a dashboard page with multiple charts that update from the same data : Globe, Bar, Line
- Use a JS library that we did not cover in class: PlanetaryJS
- Ensure Visualizations are powered by data sets with at least 100 records. : Multiple Pandemics & Centroids for plotting 195 Countries
- User-driven interaction: dropdowns & Menu Bar to view about page / pandemic info / charts
- Final visualization should ideally include at least three views. : Globe, Bar Chart, and Line Chart
- Covid19: https://www.kaggle.com/sudalairajkumar/novel-corona-virus-2019-dataset#covid_19_data.csv
- Ebola 2014-16: https://www.kaggle.com/imdevskp/ebola-outbreak-20142016-complete-dataset (we added possible, suspected to the confirmed deaths)
- Swineflu 2009: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009_flu_pandemic_by_country
- Spanish Flu: https://ourworldindata.org/spanish-flu-largest-influenza-pandemic-in-history (for reference, not included in visualizations)
- United Nations: https://population.un.org/wpp/Download/Standard/Population/
- Centroids Data - https://worldmap.harvard.edu/data/geonode:country_centroids_az8
We used Jupyter Notebook to accomplish the following:
- Take the raw data and group by Country/Year.
- Merge the dataset with United Nations populations data so we could compare the magnitude of the epidemic relative to country population.
- Merge this dataset with a dataset that contains a latitude and longitude for the center of each country so that we could plot the data on the globe.
- To merge the files by country, we made a lookup table that had the country names for each data set.
- Create a Jupyter Notebook for each Pandemic and then had it generate a clean CSV file.
- Import the now clean csv files into a new notebook, combine them, and store the data in a sqlite database.
Jupyter Notebook Files:
- lastdate_covid_19_scrubbing
- ebola_scrub
- swineflu_scrub_wikipedia
- pop_scrub
- combine_csvs
Scrubbed .CSV Files:
clean_country_centroids_az8 (centroid data)
Database File:
- pandemic_final.db (sqlite database)
These Change as you select the drop down
These Change as you select the drop down
** There is a delay when running these so we have taken a screenshot of the corresponding globe image
- Accuracy and availability of data: there is a lack of comprehensive data for pandemics prior to 1960
- Making the Flask/Database/Javascript connection: Until we were able to do it ourselves, we didn't understand how to put all these pieces together.
- Try to fix delay in epidemic data appearing on globe
- Add more pandemics to list of visualizations for comparison
- Clean up jupyter notebooks to be more efficient