Bachelor Thesis - SS 2022
MLOps in Recommender Systems: Building a Continuous Training Pipeline with Concept Drift Awareness
Tools: Python, TensorFlow Extended (TFX), TensorFlow Recommenders, Apache Airflow, pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib
Automated Machine Learning Pipeline - WS 2021
Development of a music recommendation generator using the Spotify API. Automated training and deployment of ML models based on real-time monitoring data.
Tools: Python, Delta Lake, Spark, TFX, TensorFlow, Apache Airflow, Google Cloud Platform
Data Analytics on Cars Dataset - WS 2021
Exploratory data analysis, data preprocessing and model training on a used cars dataset. Regression, classification and clustering models were employed.
Tools: Python, pandas, scikit-learn, Matplotlib, Plotly
Development of a prototypical software that identifies and tracks retrieved items from a retail store shelf. This prototype employs a 2-layer architecture using image recognition and image matching.
Tools: Python, OpenCV, YOLOv4
Classification of camera angles and object detection of water splashes in Olympia diving.
Tools: TensorFlow, OpenCV, pandas
Exploratory data analysis, data preprocessing and model training to approximate wine ratings based on their chemical composition.
Tools: Python, pandas, scikit-learn, Matplotlib
Development of a three-layer architecture web-application comprised of a JavaScript frontend using React and a Python backend using Flask + MySQL database. The final application was then deployed and hosted on Google Cloud Platform.
Tools: Python, JavaScript, React, Flask, Google Cloud Platform, MySQL
Coursera | 2021
edX | MITx 6.86x | 2020
Scrimba | 2020