A Save editor for AC:PCC
Download and unzip the latest release of PCCE
Run "PCCE.exe"
Install the .NET 9.0 Runtime if needed
Download the APK file for your device's architectures.
Go to Settings and allow install applications from unknown sources.
Install the APK file
Acquire your save file
Android location:
(Might be hidden and require tools to access)iOS location:
private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/Pocket Camp C/Documents
(Require Jailbreak)The save file name is
Load the save file by clicking the "Load" Button
Do your save editing
Save the edited save file by clicking the "Save" Button
Transfer your save file back to your device/emulator
You can reach me here: https://discord.gg/zeXPVwPb8Q under the acpc-modding
Do note that I do not own the Discord server. Please make sure you follow any rules set by the mods and owners.
If you are considering donation please keep in mind that the donation doesn't get you anything other than my love.
@Thulinma for the original save decryption code and reverse engineering.
@marengg for the help in reverse engineering.
@NoFearGG for dumping the item IDs and providing GameGuardian guide.
@DarkCraft for save file serialization and deserialization reference.
@danc for the help in item names and fortune cookie info.
@KLUTCH & @Inconsistent for their discord servers and channels for easier communication.
@Katsching and all of the mods for handling all the Discord moderation.
And everyone who has submitted their save file for research purposes.
Please let me know if I miss your name here.