Android app for MyTFG.
This app will provide access to the school platform MyTFG including learning rooms, forums, messages, cover timetables, WiFi management and IT support.
branch | status |
master | |
develop |
see also docs/
- Contributors are welcome
- Fork this repository and do Pull Requests, or contact us to get write access to this repository
- This app is an native Android app programmed in java
- We use this Git branching model
- Code style:
- Language: documentation and code comments in english, issues in german (?)
- We use Travis CI for continuous integration
- Bedienkonzept entwickeln
- Arbeit aufteilen und Issues dazu erstellen
- Schöne und legale Icons selber machen (lassen) oder suchen
As soon as the app is stable we will provide installation instructions.
© 2015 Lennart Bader, Raphael Lehmann, Leonard Rapp
See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (GPL v3).