This is a minimalistic Node.js FTP Client.
It is a showcase of the Node.js library ftp-sftp I created.
- ls - lists the directory content of the current path
- cd - travels to the given path
- setcd - set the path directly
- get - gets a file from the remote server, downloads it to the local file system
- put - uploads a file from your local file system to the remote server
- mkdir - creates a directory on the remote server, relative to the current path
- rmdir - deletes a directory on the remote server, relative to the current path
- del - delets a file on the remote server, relative to the current path
- mv - renames/moves a file on the remote server
- npm start
- Choose FTP or SFTP
- Enter credentials
- Only type the command name, hit enter
- Afterwards, enter the requested parameters
npm start
Which file system would you like to use? (ftp|sftp) > ftp
Host? >
Port? > 21
User? > root
Password? (Warning, visible in console) > password
Path: /
Action? (ls|cd|setcd|get|put|mkdir|rmdir|del|mv) >
Directory name? > /wow
Recursively? (enter nothing for no) >
Directory created.