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Mythic P2P C2

A simple P2P profile for Mythic Agents.

In order to use it, another Agent needs to link to the Agent using it.

TCP C2 Workflow

    participant M as Mythic
    participant F as DelegateAgent
    participant A as Agent
    Note over A: 1. Listens on Port
    Note over F: 2. do link
    F ->> A: 3. Connect to Port
    loop single TCP Connection
    A -->> F: (optional) 4
    F -->> M: (optional) 5
    M ->> F: 6
    F ->> A: 7
  1. The Agent sends data for Mythic to DelegateAgent
  2. DelegateAgent forwards the whole message as part of his messages to mythic
  3. Mythic knows that Agent can be reached via DelegateAgent and sends the data to DelegateAgent
  4. DelegateAgent forwards the encrypted message to the Agent

The actual messages exchanged over TCP (4 & 7) are the ones Mythic uses internally (b64(uuid+aes(json))). Messages will be pushed to the Agent from Mythic if the DelegateAgent allows it ( get_delegate_tasks=True), which is why the steps 4 & 5 are optional as long as the Agent does not have anything to report back.

How to install an agent in this format within Mythic

Use mythic-cli to install it: sudo ./mythic-cli install github

See for more information