some source code link for the paper:Total Capture: A 3D Deformation Model for Tracking Faces, Hands, and Bodies The better demo is in :
we have build up a model like smpl_hf: ,we call it mafa (mano,flame,pca),the model shared is defective version ,you guys can make it better .The perfect version
we have make it will be used for paper,we will share it later .The model is very simple as SMPL.Because the code for the model have license issue we just share the link: to get the code and share the changes of the code
for the model('mafainittestfinalallweight.pkl').we can not push it in github so we put it in googledrive:
face: skeleton: keypoint: render: according to the paper we surf the internet and find some matirial that can almost make the paper come to real please refer the reference doc for it.
The result of taking apart the body mesh ,cause we only need to modify the head and the hand so we will refine the code to make it more convenient:
Do not be upsad , I just provide the source the imagine belongs to you ,amigo.Have fun ,keep legal to license :-).