This is a one-click bookmarklet that calls a local python server that downloads, crops and sends the file. Cropping takes ~10 seconds or so.
You need to have a couple of things locally, namely
ghostscript (sudo apt-get install ghostscript)
rmapi (go get -u
Once you have those, you need to connect rmapi
, do that by running it+following the instructions.
The python dependencies are managed with pipenv
so running pipenv install
sets you up.
The bookmarklet itself is built with gulp
, so you can do
cd js && npm install && npm run gulp
To build the dist
folder with the bookmarklet.
After that's done, you can do pipenv run
and navigate to {wherever this is}/js/dist/test-page.html
from where you can copy the bookmarklet into your browser's toolbar.
"That's it" (lol this is a pain for functionality that should be out-of-the-box)
If you want to make sure the service is always running, then start it on startup. I do this with a crontab
crontab -e
to edit them, then add the line
@reboot sudo -H -u {your user name} {path to this}/run-service &
However note that fiddling with an @reboot crontab is a classic way to boot-cycle / brick your laptop, so proceed with caution.
The libraries that do all the hard work are rmapi
and pdfCropMargins
, which more or less rock.
security - hideously insecure I imagine. Apart from anything else, there's a shell injection from arxiv titles that would be hilarious to execute.
This software is provided without warranty, implicit or otherwise.