Releases: N0BOY/FT8CN
FT8CN v0.93
Jan. 04, 2025
Feature: add QSO log sharing
Feature: add QSO log auto-uploading to CloudLog and QRZ (Code contributed by BG5VLI)
Feature: add SWR and ALC warning switch
Bugfix: fix TX watchdog time calculation error
Bugfix: fix missing first entry in downloaded QSO log
FT8CN v0.92
- 新增支持全部FT8消息类型,比如远征模式,RTTY RU等
完善SWL QSO日志记录
Jan. 22, 2024
- Feature: support all FT8 message types, e.g. DXpedition (Hound only), RTTY RU, etc.
Feature: add QSO mark in waterfall
Feature: add support to set COM port settings manually
Enhancement: add support for some ICOM radios
Enhancement: improvement of SWL QSO logs
Enhancement: optimization of QSO sequence for callsign with /P or /R
Bugfix: COM port error message doesn't show in the correct language
FT8CN v0.91 patch 1
增加(tr)uSDX Audio over CAT功能,由DS1UFX贡献代码
增加支持XieGu(协谷)X6100的Wifi模式(固件版本 1.1.7,发射音频还未解决)
增加支持Kenwood TS-570D
增加Yaesu FT-891/991 USB-DATA模式
Patch 1
- 修正Yaesu FT-891/991 选择USB-DATA模式错误
Sep. 11, 2023
Feature: callsign quick lookup in QSO log
Feature: Simple List Mode to display messages
Enhancement: add (tr)uSDX audio over CAT (Code contributed by DS1UFX)
Enhancement: add Xiegu X6100 WiFi mode (cannot TX due to FW 1.1.7 issue)
Enhancement: add support for Kenwood TS-570D
Enhancement: add Yaesu FT-891/991 USB-DATA mode
Bugfix: send 73 instead of RR73, when replying NonStd Call (message type i3 = 4),
Bugfix: reply timeout or miss 73, when deep decoding is enabled
Bugfix: generate wrong sender callsign when both parties are using callsign suffix
Bugfix: auto-reply may lose focus when receiving multiple calls
Patch 1
- Bugfix: incorrect mode selected for Yaesu FT-891/991 (DATA-USB)
FT8CN v0.90
- 增加日志导入时Web界面交互模式
- 修正当日志数据量过大时,地图崩溃的问题
- 优化数据库结构,提升日志数据导入、更新速度(更新此版本前,建议备份日志以防不测)
- 修正部分单词拼写错误
- 增加电台UA3REO Wolf SDR
- 增加电台GUOHE(国赫) PMR-171
Aug. 13, 2023
Note: Please BACKUP your local log upon updating this version!!!
- Added QSO log importing WebUI
- Fixed map crash when importing large amounts of logs (10k+)
- Optimized database structure to improve log importing speed and stability
- Fixed typo in the translation
- Added support for UA3REO Wolf SDR
- Added support for GUOHE PMR-171
Courtesy of PA1AIS for the English Quick Guide (beta v0.89)
FT8CN v0.89
- 增加多重解码功能,在多重解码模式下,提高解码深度,尝试解码叠加的信号
- 解决导入ADI后通联过的分区没有及时更新的问题
- 解决iCom电台在网络模式下,发射音频会出现破音的情况
- 解决在某些情况下RR73卡死的问题
- 提高解码稳定性
- 改正解码消息的comment字段有时不正确显示的问题
- 修改导出日志的提示
Jul. 08, 2023
- New feature: Deep Decoding. Once enabled, the received signal will be processed in multiple passes to retrieve decoding from overlaying signals.
- Improved overall decoding stability
- Fixed a bug that worked zones won't update after log importing
- Fixed TX crackling sounds when using ICOM radios via network mode
- Fixed QSO sequence sometimes stuck at sending RR73 if not received any reply
- Fixed a bug that "comment" won't display correctly from decoding
- Fixed prompt message when downloading QSO log without a valid Wi-Fi connection
FT8CN v0.88 patch 2
- 增加音频输出设置(位深、采样率)
- 增加日志可以按条件查询并导出
- 修改日志查询以时间为降序显示
- 修正SWL QSO记录重复的问题
- 针对各主流浏览器优化后台UI
Patch 2
- 修正“通联记录”定位闪退问题
May. 02, 2023
- Added option for audio output (bit depth, sample rate)
- Added option to query log with conditions
- Changed sorting of logs, sorted by newest date first
- Fixed a problem of duplicated SWL QSOs
- Optimized webUI for web browsers
Patch 2
- Fixed crash when checking QSO logs in the map view
FT8CN v0.87
- 增加查询的通联日志结果在地图中定位显示功能
- 增加FlexRadio仪表显示和参数设置(目前暂不支持发射)
- 增加时间自动同步功能(服务器是Microsoft NTP)
- 增加SWL模式,对解码消息以及QSO有保存和导出的功能 SWL的QSO认定标准:至少要有双方的报告,以及结束语73、RR73、RRR)
- 丰富后台数据的查询功能。
- 修正后台查询“呼号与网格映射表”中距离计算的错误
- 针对协谷G90S未来的新固件,调整电台型号选项
- 解决解码消息较多时界面会卡顿的问题
- 优化日志查询性能
Mar. 24, 2023
Added SWL mode: save and export SWL log via Web UI
SWL QSO will be logged when both stations provide the signal report and 73/RR73/RRR (Gridsqure is optional) -
Added option to display log lookup in map view
Added meter, monitor, and control for Flexradio (NO TX yet)
Added auto time sync (via Microsoft NTP)
Added support for upcoming FW on Xiegu G90s
Enhanced data query in backend Web UI
Optimized runtime for log lookup
Fixed distance mismatch in "Callsign and Grid" on Web UI
Improved performance to handle massive decoding
FT8CN v0.86
- 提高日志导入的健壮性,反馈格式错误的日志信息
- 修正在推算SNR时,偶尔会出现数组下标越界造成闪退的问题
- 修正导入日志后数量计算不准确的问题
Feb. 06, 2023
- Improved log import robustness/reliability, will show error entries
- Fixed crash occurred during SNR calculation
- Fixed inaccurate log count after log import
FT8CN v0.85
- 增加排除的呼号前缀功能(排除的呼号前缀的动作具有最高优先级,为自动程序排除掉不需要的呼叫)。
- 增加GridTracker中地图的日落日出灰线。
- 增加清空关注呼号列表功能。
- 增加清空缓存的通联QSO消息功能。
- 增加呼叫修饰符功能。例如 CQ POTA xxxxxx xxxx、或CQ DX xxxxxx xxxx。修饰符范围是000-999,A-Z,AA-ZZ,AAA-ZZZ,AAAA-ZZZZ。
Jan. 28, 2023
- Added filter by prefix (This filter has the highest priority to hide matching callsigns).
- Added Grey line in map view
- Added option to clear tracked callsign list
- Added option to empty QSO cache
- Added CQ call modifier, e.g. CQ POTA [callsign] [Gridsquare], CQ DX [callsign] [Gridsquare]. Modifier can be three decimal digits or one to four letters.
FT8CN v0.84
- 优化地图的色彩模式。
- 修补因线程不同步,导致提示消息操作闪退的问题。
- 解决部分日志字段表述不标准,造成导入日志失败的问题。
- 优化呼号的哈希表处理。
Jan. 13, 2023
- Updated color scheme in map view
- Fixed app crash problem causing by threads async
- Fixed ADIF field error during log file import
- Optimized callsign hashing process