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This is the main TheCore home page and will have links to specific games that use TheCore.

An example of a good help page in Markdown:

FAQ (Starcraft 2)

How long will this take?

It greatly depends on the quantity and quality of practice. If the player uses methods of Deliberate Practice, TheCore can be learned in a week. However if a player decides to learn TheCore by playing many games of Starcraft (200-300) with no particular focus in mind, a player can learn TheCore in a month. There is a detailed learning program in the google drive folder for those looking for the fastest way we know to learn it.

What’s different about the Plus and Lite versions?

TheCore Plus is the most efficient followed by TheCore and finally TheCore lite. TheCore Plus is the most weird layout followed by TheCore and finally TheCore lite.


  • Weirdness Factor:
    • TheCore and TheCore Plus are located on the “weird” side of the keyboard.
      • The fingers rest on JIOP for right handed (mouse) players and WERG for left handed (mouse) players.
    • TheCore lite is on the “normal” side of the keyboard.
      • The fingers rest in either a FPS WASD setup or a ASTD touch typing setup.
  • Efficiency Factor:
    • Since TheCore and TheCore Plus use the thumb to press Ctrl, Shift, and Alt; and there is a much larger gap between the thumb and index than the pinky and ring; TheCore lite has less options for fast keys.

      • While the most common functions are just as fast on lite as TheCore and plus, this quickly changes with lite at a disadvantage for the remainder of the functions
    • TheCore plus makes use of hotkey drivers to change the location of Ctrl, Shift, and Alt in order to put modifiers in priority order.

      • For example, control is extremely useful so we put it at the shift location. (fastest key press out of the modifiers)
        • Adding unit types to control groups is done by holding Ctrl, clicking on the unit of the type you want to add, and pressing the key with the corresponding control group. Selecting unit types and add/steal to control group are the same modifier!
        • Controlling types of units
          • Quickly pulling back marines so mines can destroy banes
          • Target firing
          • Etc

Which finger do I use to press this key?

Right hand finger map:

Right Hand Finger Map

Left hand finger map:

Left Hand Finger Map

Why is my camera moving every time I press Alt?

Alt is set to "center on current selection" intentionally. The reason for this is that 7 cameras are dedicated base location cameras that will snap to your base whenever you want to shift+click back to minerals, do a transfer, or defend against a drop. Our philosophy here is that by centering these cameras on a fixed point, it is easier to get the cursor in the desired location since the player already knows exactly where the mineral field (or other object) will be before moving the camera.

To create the camera where there is no building, simply hold down alt, and move the camera to the desired location after it has centered on selection (mini map is usually best for this). Alternatively, you can rebind Center on Selection.

How do I do larva injects with TheCore?

The primary suggestion is that camera locations are used to jump from base to base. Whether or not injecting queens are on control group is personal preference, do what is best for you.

What are the suggested use of control groups?

These are listed in TheCore Spreadsheet in the “Control Groups Cameras” tab.

Ctrl+Shift+Alt+what?! How do I press that?

You have stumbled into a banished function! Banished functions are set to Ctrl+Shift+Alt+key, this is to avoid conflicts with other functions. Functions are banished when they are considered to form bad habits by default or if they’re considered unimportant/useless.

  • For example, as awesome as the select all army button is, without proper guidance, it can put a new player into a mechanical rut that encourages them to use select all army instead of control groups.

Ctrl+Shift+0 (or some other combination) is not working!

This problem has two major causes:

  • Another program’s hotkey is interfering

    • Ctrl+Shift+0 is a default keyboard language switch hotkey.
    • Other programs have other default hotkeys that can conflict with Starcraft hotkeys.
  • Another keyboard layout (such as a secondary language) is interfering

    • SC2 doesn’t play well with multiple typing layouts. It will, seemingly at random, change languages mid game! You can either remove the additional layouts, or learn your language switch hotkey so you can fix it quickly as it happens.

Generic example section that can be removed:

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