struct Nevio: Developer {
let name = "Nevio H"
let pronouns = "he/him"
let location: Location = .Germany
let role = "iOS & macOS Developer, Beta tester"
let languages: [Languages] = [.German, .English, .Italian]
let programmingLanguages = ["Swift", "Objective-C", "C", "C++", "ASM", "JS"]
let markup = ["HTML", "CSS"]
let scripting = ["Shell"]
func greet() {
print("Hey, thanks for dropping by, feel free to have a look at my work! 🧡")
let me = Nevio()
Hey there, it's a pleasure to meet you! I'm Nevio from Germany, and I'm truly passionate about graphic design and development in my free time. Learning new languages and frameworks always excites me, and I'm really dedicated to wireframing, UI, UX, and design in general.
If you enjoy my work, your support in starring my repositories would mean a lot to me. Your stars help me gain visibility and encourage others in the community to discover and benefit from this work. 🧡 #opensourcetogether
- ScribbleLab: A powerful notetaking app that’s features goes way beyond - Developed by students for students
- SFFileManagementKit: The official ScribbleLabApp's Scribble Foundation File Management Kit for document interaction in ScribbleLab
- AvatarKit: Open Source Alternative to Apple's private AvatarKit framework
I am seeking contributors for my open-source libraries at ScribbleLabApp. Join our Discord server or email me at email if interested. Your help will be greatly appreciated. Let’s work together to create something unique and remarkable.
Are you interested in collaborating or just having a friendly chat? Feel free to send me an email so we can discuss anything important. Let’s work together to create something unique and remarkable. 🤩