The xray-core has entered into homebrew/core.
Recommend using the official installation method to access more stable service. However, you can also get the bins update with this repo until the XTLS/xray-core stops providing geoip.dat in the zips.
brew up
brew install xray
The homebrew tap for xray-core.
INTEL and M1 Binaries from Xray-core Latest Release (no pre-build)
step 1: Add tap
brew tap N4FA/xray
step 2: Install xray-core:
brew install xray-core
step 1: update tap
brew update
step 2: update xray-core
brew upgrade xray-core
step 1: uninstall core
brew uninstall xray-core
step 2: untap formula
brew untap N4FA/xray
once you installed, you can run command via xray
to run xray-core.
You can get example config files at
default config file location is:/usr/local/etc/xray/config.json
step 1: save and edit the example config:
vim /usr/local/etc/xray/config.json
step 2: run xray-core without starting at login.
brew services run xray-core
or run xray-core and register it to launch at login via:
brew services start xray-core
Special Thanks to v2ray/homebrew-v2ray