- Perl
- Cpanm
- Python 2.7 or 3.5
cpanm --installdeps .
usage: python assembly_metrics_toolkit.py [-h] [-s scaffolds_file]
[-c contigs_file] [-o output_path]
Calculate various assembly metrics
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s scaffolds_file a fasta file of scaffolds (can be .gz)
-c contigs_file a fasta file of contigs (can be .gz)
-o output_path where a JSON output file will be generated at
We are using the scaffolds and contigs of Athalia rosae provided by i5k Workspace@NAl.
wget "https://i5k.nal.usda.gov/data/Arthropoda/athros-(Athalia_rosae)/BCM-After-Atlas/1.Genome%20Assembly/BCM-After-Atlas/Contigs/Aros01112013-contigs.fa.gz"
wget "https://i5k.nal.usda.gov/data/Arthropoda/athros-(Athalia_rosae)/BCM-After-Atlas/1.Genome%20Assembly/BCM-After-Atlas/Scaffolds/Aros01112013-genome.fa.gz"
python ./assembly_metrics_toolkit.py -s ./Aros01112013-genome.fa.gz -o example_scaffolds_only.json
python ./assembly_metrics_toolkit.py -s ./Aros01112013-genome.fa.gz -c ./Aros01112013-contigs.fa.gz -o example_scaffolds_and_contigs.json
These commands will generate two json files, which are the same as example_scaffolds_only.json and example_scaffolds_and_contigs.json, respectively.
These json files can be further visualized through Assembly_Metrics_Visualization.
are from ucdavis-bioinformatics/assemblathon2-analysis GitHub Repo.asm2stats.minmaxgc.pl
is from rjchallis/assembly-stats GitHub Repo, and is modified to also support.gz
input fasta file.