Simple lightweight static site generator, Powered by Python 3 & Jninja2
- Improve the code
- Serve Online Editor (Wysiwyg to Markdown)
- Multiple Themes & Templates
- Auto build for Linux
- Add support to other markup languages
- Tags & Categories
- markdown2
- Jinja2
- Flask (Not Currently)
Simply open contents folder, create a new md file
If you want to write a new article, name the file something like "" And start the file with this:
<!-- Title: The Title Of My Article -->
Then write your content in markdon format (other formats will be supported soon) You can add subtitles using:
<!-- Subtitle: Subtitle For My Article -->
If you want to set a new author start the file with:
<!-- Author: Jhon Doe -->
Now if you want to create a new page (example of about.html in my blog) Create a new md file , something like about.html , or contact.html And start it with the following:
<!-- Page: Page Title -->
Know that Page Title will be displayed in the navbar, so make sure to choose a meaningful small page title. You can also set Subtitles , Just like articles using:
<!-- Subtitle: Subtitle For My Page -->
Edit config.json
Then Run :)