A repository for managing regression answers for MOM6 on Derecho
- This repository contains Derecho regression answers only. Other platforms should have their own repository. Only Intel is supported at the moment.
- Commits are only made when the regression answers change.
- MOM6-examples is a sub-module of this repository. When regression answers change the new commit of the sub-module must be added with the changed answers.
- Regression answers have a suffix which is a label usually referring to a compiler name. These labels are listed in labels.json.
This repository follows the Gaea stats framework and MOM6 regression stats
git clone --recursive git@github.com:NCAR/Derecho-stats-MOM6-examples.git
cd Derecho-stats-MOM6-examples/MOM6-examples/src
rm -rf mkmf
cp -r $src_code/mkmf .
cp -r $src_code/LM3 .
cp -r $src_code/atmos_param_am3 .
cp -r $src_code/AM2 .
cp -r $src_code/sis1 .
cd ../
ln -s /glade/work/gmarques/GFDL_datasets/ .datasets
MRS/generate_manifest.sh > manifest.mk
Get a batch node
then execure the following:
make -f MRS/Makefile.build build_intel -j -s
First, request enough processors (at least 576):
qsub -I -l select=16:ncpus=36:mpiprocs=36 -l walltime=01:00:00 -q main -A P93300012
Then, execure th following:
make -f MRS/Makefile.run intel_all MEMORY=dynamic_symmetric LOG=
On the loging node, execure the following:
make -f MRS/Makefile.sync intel
- Copy regression answers generated by MOM6 into the corresponding directory under regressions.
- Stage any changed regressions and also add the MOM6-examples sub-module commit.
- Commit.
- Push (if sharing with other developers)
For example:
### Copy files
foreach compiler (gnu intel pgi)
foreach file (`cd MOM6-examples ; find * -name ocean.stats.$compiler -o -name seaice.stats.$compiler`)
mkdir -p regressions/$file:h
\cp MOM6-examples/$file regressions/$file
git add regressions
git add MOM6-examples
git commit