Wide Interoperability Nexus for Data Organized Workflows
Command to generate geogrid file with GIS info
python CF_Gridded.py geo_em.d02.nc gis_d02.subgrid.nc
The dimentions of x and y replace the dimension west_east and south_north at WRF input.
python CF_Gridded.py geo_em.d02.nc gis_d02.subgrid.nc subgrid_factor=4
OR python CF_Gridded.py geo_em.d02.nc gis_d02.subgrid.nc 4
subgrid_factor option to support west_east_subgrid and south_north_subgrid dimensions.
note: the dimension west_east_subgrid = (west_east + 1) * subgrid_factor
OR west_east_subgrid = west_east * subgrid_factor
The dimentions of x and y replace the dimension west_east and south_north at WRF input.
The dimentions of x_alt and y_alt replace the dimension west_east_subgrid and south_north_subgrid at WRF input.
python CF_Gridded.py geo_em.d02.nc gis_d02.subgrid.nc subgrid_factor=4 subgrid_first
OR python CF_Gridded.py geo_em.d02.nc gis_d02.subgrid.nc 4 subgrid_first
The subgrid_first option is ignored if subgrid_factor is not greater than 1.
If subgrid_first is enabled, the dimentions of x and y replace the dimension west_east_subgrid
and south_north_subgrid at WRF input. The dimentions of x_alt and y_alt replace the dimension
west_east and south_north at WRF input.
Command to generate Fast Eddy files with GIS data
usage: Add_CF_to_FE_xarray.py [-h] [--DX DX] [--DY DY] in_nc out_nc ul_x ul_y lr_x lr_y ref_time time_units_str
positional arguments:
in_nc Input netcdf file
out_nc Output netcdf file
ul_x Upper left x coord
ul_y Upper left y coord
lr_x Lower right x coord
lr_y Lower right y coord
ref_time Reference time
time_units_str UDUNITS time formatted string
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--DX DX x grid differential
--DY DY y grid differential
Example Usage:
python Add_CF_to_FE_xarray.py ./FE_CBL.9600.nc ./FE_CBL.9600_georeferenced_wgs84_xr.nc -96.789456415999950 32.797937863000072 -96.770601578999958 32.782379042000059 86400 "seconds since 2020-10-8 15:15:42.5 -6:00"
Command to update WRF outputs:
python cf_convert.py -o output/wrfout_fire_d02_2018-04-17_17_00_00.nc \
--gis-input gis_d02.nc input/wrfout_fire_d02_2018-04-17_17_00_00
The configuration:
- The library of Unidata UDUNITS (https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/udunits/)
- Python packages
- cfunits (1.9)
- netCDF4 (1.4.2)
- GDAL (1.11.0)