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Web application to track chemical mechanisms, reactions, and chemicals


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ChemistryCafe is a web application built with React, Vite, and TypeScript. The app uses various libraries and frameworks such as MUI, Axios, and styled-components to provide a seamless and modern user experience. This README provides information about the application and how to run the code locally.

Table of Contents


  • Responsive UI: Utilizes MUI (Material-UI) for a modern, responsive design.
  • State Management: Implements hooks and context for managing state.
  • API Interaction: Uses Axios to fetch data from APIs and manage asynchronous requests.
  • Routing: React Router DOM for client-side routing and navigation.
  • Authentication: Supports OAuth with Google for user authentication.
  • Testing: Uses Vitest for unit tests and test coverage.

Folder Structure

  • coverage/: Folder for test coverage reports.
  • dist/: Folder for build outputs.
  • node_modules/: Folder for dependencies.
  • public/: Folder for static assets (images, fonts, etc.).
  • src/: Source code folder, organized as follows:
    • API/: Functions for API interaction.
    • assets/: Static assets.
    • webPages/: Pages and components:
      • Components/: Reusable components.
      • Family/: Family-related pages/components.
      • LogIn/: Login-related pages/components.
      • RoutingRenders/: Routing-related components.
      • Settings/: Settings-related pages/components.
    • index.css: Global CSS styles.
    • main.tsx: Entry point for the application.
    • vite-env.d.ts: Vite environment TypeScript declarations.
  • test/: Folder for test files.
  • .eslintrc.cjs: ESLint configuration file.
  • .gitignore: Git ignore file.
  • index.html: Main entry HTML file located in the root folder.
  • package-lock.json: npm package lock file.
  • package.json: npm package metadata file.
  • This documentation file.
  • tsconfig.json: TypeScript configuration file.
  • tsconfig.node.json: Node.js-specific TypeScript configuration.
  • vite.config.ts: Vite configuration file.
  • vitest.config.ts: Vitest configuration file.
  • vitest.setup.ts: Vitest setup file.


  • @emotion/react & @emotion/styled: For styling components.
  • @mui/icons-material & @mui/material: Material-UI components and icons.
  • @mui/x-data-grid & @mui/x-tree-view: Advanced Material-UI components.
  • @react-oauth/google: Google OAuth for authentication.
  • Axios: HTTP client for API requests.
  • Bootstrap & React Bootstrap: For styling and UI components.
  • React & React DOM: JavaScript library and DOM support.
  • React Router DOM: Client-side routing.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd chemistrycafe
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Start the development server:

    npm run dev
  4. The app will run on http://localhost:5173. You can view it in your browser.


  • npm run dev: Starts the development server with Vite.
  • npm run build: Builds the project for production.
  • npm run preview: Previews the built application.
  • npm run lint: Lints the codebase using ESLint.
  • npm run test: Runs unit tests using Vitest.
  • npm run test:coverage: Runs tests and provides a coverage report.


This project uses Vitest for running unit tests and generating coverage reports.

To run the tests, use the following command:

npm run test

To generate a coverage report, use the following command:

npm run test:coverage