- Dates: September 9-11, 2015
- Venue: NCEAS, UCSB
- Participants
- Funding: National Science Foundation Grant #1358900
We will convene to discuss community training needs, shared goals, existing resources (including products from previous workshops), and opportunities for coordination among training efforts, with the goal of producing 1) a manuscript for peer-reviewed publication that provides direction for training in data-intensive environmental research, and 2) a prospectus for new collaborations among training initiatives.
- Summarize existing workshop results and initiatives
- ISEES Workforce development
- Lessons learned from OSS/DC/SC/University courses
- Lists of existing curricula (workshops, grad courses, etc.), map
- Examine differing approaches to training (e.g., science vs tools, …)
- CS versus domain science curricula/courses
- What opportunities exist for collaboration between e.g., CS/ecology?
- SC/DC/OSS versus applied modeling/applied stats/programming courses
- CS versus domain science curricula/courses
- Generate vision for integrated training in data-intensive science
8am Coffee
8:30 am:
- Welcome and introductions (plenary) - Jones
- Background and summary of survey responses - Jones
- Set stage for manuscript and products
- Brainstorming 1: What are the critical gaps in data-intensive science training?
- Brainstorming 2: What is needed to span these critical gaps?
- Organize and prioritize into potential breakouts
- Background and summary of survey responses - Jones
- Welcome and introductions (plenary) - Jones
10:15 am: Break
10:30 am
- Parallel Breakouts (Goal: Produce section/figure/blurb for paper)
- B1: Mapping the spectrum of training initiatives
- What do they cover? What are pre-reqs for each? How can they be sequenced? Further populate survey.
- Gap analysis: What is missing from existing trainings?
- Coordination: what is needed to connect and improve training?
- B2: Building a catalog of data-intensive training lessons/curricula
- Design and evaluation of catalog / usability / features
- Initial assembly of catalog; enumerate subject areas and learning goals
- Design of open contribution system to continue to build catalog
- What topics are missing curricula (see ISEES list)
- B3: TBD from brainstorming session
- B1: Mapping the spectrum of training initiatives
- Parallel Breakouts (Goal: Produce section/figure/blurb for paper)
12 noon Lunch
1:30 pm
- Report back from breakouts
2:00 pm (inlcudes break)
- Breakouts (Product: section/figure/blurb for paper) (Parallel breakouts)
- B4: Discussion: what does success look like in training?
- Assessment: common metrics, basis for network of training programs
- RCN vs NRT
- B5: Training program coordination
- B6: Training sustainability
- B4: Discussion: what does success look like in training?
- Breakouts (Product: section/figure/blurb for paper) (Parallel breakouts)
Adjourn 5pm
- 8am Coffee
- 8:30 am
- Discussion: Career pathways, culture of engineering in science
- Is engineering a valid training goal in science programs?
- Is coding a legit activity in science?
- How can we change the culture?
- Discussion: Career pathways, culture of engineering in science
- 10:15 am Break
- 10:30 am
- Discussion: manuscript outline and plans
- 12 noon Lunch
- 1:30 pm
- Collaborative proposals (breakouts?)
- What resources are needed/missing/underfunded?
- What opportunities exist for improving training?
- Where do we get the instructors? How far can the Software Carpentry model go?
- 3:00 pm Break
- 3:30 pm
- Manuscript consoldation and discussion
- 4:45 pm
- Conclusion and wrapup
- Collaborative proposals (breakouts?)
- Adjourn 5pm
- 8am Coffee
- 8:30 am
- Manuscript review and writing
- 12 noon Lunch
- 1:30 pm
- Manuscript writing
- Manuscript tasks and assignments
- Adjourn 3pm