Icinga Monitoring Plugin to check Bareos Backup Director databases
The plugin connects to the Bareos database in order to retrieve data.
The plugin requires at least Python 3.
Python dependencies:
p check_bareos.py --help
usage: check_bareos.py [-h] -U USER [-p PASSWORD] [-H HOST] [-P PORT] [-d DATABASE] [-v]
{job,tape,status} ...
Check Plugin for Bareos Backup Status
positional arguments:
job Specific checks on a job
tape Specific checks on a tapes
status Specific status informations
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-U USER, --user USER user name for the database connections
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
password for the database connections (CHECK_BAREOS_DATABASE_PASSWORD)
--password-file PASSWORD_FILE
path to a password file. Can be the bareos-dir.conf
-H HOST, --Host HOST database host
-P PORT, --port PORT database port
-d DATABASE, --database DATABASE
database name
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
Various flags can be set with environment variables, refer to the help to see which flags.
The plugin supports threshold and ranges for various flags.
Check the status of Bareos Jobs.
usage: check_bareos.py job [-h] (-js | -j | -rt) [-n NAME] [-t TIME] [-u {GB,TB,PB}] [-w WARNING]
[-c CRITICAL] [-st {A,B,C,D,E,F,I,L,M,R,S,T,W,a,c,d,e,f,i,j,l,m,p,q,s,t}]
[-f] [-i] [-d]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-js, --checkJobs Check how many jobs are in a specific state [default=queued]
-j, --checkJob Check the state of a specific job [default=queued]
-rt, --runTimeJobs Check if a backup runs longer then n day
-n NAME, --name NAME Name of the job
-t TIME, --time TIME Time in days (default=7 days)
-u {GB,TB,PB}, --unit {GB,TB,PB}
display unit
-w WARNING, --warning WARNING
Warning value
-c CRITICAL, --critical CRITICAL
Critical value
-st {A,B,C,D,E,F,I,L,M,R,S,T,W,a,c,d,e,f,i,j,l,m,p,q,s,t}, --state {A,B,C,D,E,F,I,L,M,R,S,T,W,a,c,d,e,f,i,j,l,m,p,q,s,t}
Bareos Job State [default=C]
-f, --full Backup kind full
-i, --inc Backup kind inc
-d, --diff Backup kind diff
Check if a job is running longer than 7 days (default value):
check_bareos.py job -rt -t 4 -st R -w 1 -c 4
Check how much jobs are in the waiting status:
check_bareos.py job -js -w 50 -c 100
Check the status of Bareos Tapes.
usage: check_bareos.py tape [-h] (-e | -ts | -ex | -wex | -r) [-w WARNING] [-c CRITICAL] [-m MOUNTS]
[-t TIME]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-e, --emptyTapes Count empty tapes in the storage (Status Purged/Expired)
-ts, --tapesInStorage
Count how much tapes are in the storage
-ex, --expiredTapes Count how much tapes are expired
-wex, --willExpire Count how much tapes are will expire in n day
-r, --replaceTapes Count how much tapes should by replaced
-w WARNING, --warning WARNING
Warning value
-c CRITICAL, --critical CRITICAL
Critical value
-m MOUNTS, --mounts MOUNTS
Amout of allowed mounts for a tape [used for replace tapes]
-t TIME, --time TIME Time in days (default=7 days)
Check how much tapes are empty in the storage:
check_bareos.py tape -e -w 15 -c 10
Check how much tapes are expired:
check_bareos.py tape -ex
Check how much tapes will expire in the next 14 days;
check_bareos.py tape -wex -t 14 -w 10 -c 5
Check the status of various Bareos metrics.
usage: check_bareos.py status [-h] (-b | -e | -o | -fb) [-f] [-i] [-d] [-t TIME] [-w WARNING]
[-c CRITICAL] [-s SIZE] [-u {MB,GB,TB,PB,EB}]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-b, --totalBackupsSize
the size of all backups in the database [use time and kind for mor
-e, --emptyBackups Check if a successful backup have 0 bytes [only wise for full backups]
-o, --oversizedBackup
Check if a backup have more than n TB
-fb, --failedBackups Check if a backup failed in the last n day
-f, --full Backup kind full
-i, --inc Backup kind inc
-d, --diff Backup kind diff
-t TIME, --time TIME Time in days
-w WARNING, --warning WARNING
Warning value [default=5]
-c CRITICAL, --critical CRITICAL
Critical value [default=10]
-s SIZE, --size SIZE Border value for oversized backups [default=2]
-u {MB,GB,TB,PB,EB}, --unit {MB,GB,TB,PB,EB}
display unit [default=TB]
Check total size of all backups:
check_bareos.py status -b -w 400 -c 500
Check total size of all full backups:
check_bareos.py status -b -f -w 400 -c 500
Check total size of all diff backups:
check_bareos.py status -b -d -w 400 -c 500
Check total size of all inc backups:
check_bareos.py status -b -i -w 400 -c 500
Check if a full backup has 0 Bytes(is Empty) and trigger critical if amount of empty backups is above 10; warning if above zero
check_bareos.py status -e -f -w '~:0' -c 10
Check if a diff/inc backup is larger than 2 TB (default value) and trigger warning if more than one is empty, critical when more than five are empty:
check_bareos.py status -o -d -i -w 1 -c 5