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BISE Github Workflow

Kota Miura edited this page Oct 25, 2019 · 2 revisions

Github workflow

Contributed by Victor Caldas

Github provides a great visualization of the workflow of development:

Now, we will see the codes and specific comments for our project:

1. Create a branch from DEV

Unless you know what you are doing 😉, you will create a branch from the most updated version of the code, i.e branch dev:

$ git checkout -b MY-BRANCH-NAME

Now you have a copy of the branch dev and you can make all the modifications you want!

2. Commit the changes

When you finish a modification, you need to tell what you did. Each contribution should be contained. For example: ​ - Add a file that didn't exist before ​ - update a piece of code in one or several places, but all related to the same function

For this example, you will add your name to the list of contributors. ​

  1. Open the file:
  2. Add your name following the format in the file
  3. Save your modifications by git add and git commit as shown below:
git add . 
git commit -m "Added info about YOUR NAME"
  1. Submit your modifications to the server. WAIT! In big projects like this, it's is common that people might have dome some work while you were doing.

Always check if someone modified something before you push. This avoids several problems.

git remote add upstream
git pull upstream dev
git push --set-upstream origin YOUR-BRANCH
  1. Go to the online Github repository and you should see that:

and if you go to the NEUBIAS/bise, you should see:

  1. Great! Now we know you did something!

  2. After the pull-request being accepted, it will be erased from the server. You may delete your local branch now.

git branch -d YOUR-BRANCH
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