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Commands & Permissions

NEZNAMY edited this page Feb 1, 2025 · 84 revisions


This page lists all the commands and permissions that are available with TAB. Commands have required permissions associated with them.

BungeeCord / Velocity users:

  • If you have TAB installed on the proxy, use /btab instead of /tab. Permissions are the same.
  • Permission nodes are checked on the server where the plugin is installed (by default). This means that with TAB on BungeeCord, permission nodes are checked on BungeeCord, and therefore you'll need a permission plugin there as well. If you wish to take permission groups and checks from backend servers instead, set use-bukkit-permissions-manager: true in config.


Configuration commands

/tab <player/group/playeruuid> <name> <property> [value] [options]

  • Permission: tab.change.<property>
  • Description: Changes a property of a group/player to the given value. No value argument will result in that property being deleted.


  • For tablist: tabprefix, customtabname, and tabsuffix.
  • For nametag: tagprefix and tagsuffix.


  • -s <server> - Applying value only for a specific server
  • -w <world> - Applying value only for a specific world

Names for each command type

  • player: Supports both player name and raw uuid. Player doesn't need to be online.
  • playeruuid: Requires name of an online player. Equal to using player with player's uuid.
  • group: Using group names from permission plugin. _DEFAULT_ is used for default settings for all groups.

/tab <player/group/playeruuid> <name> remove

  • Permission: tab.remove
  • Description: Removes all direct data from the given player/group.


  • The playeruuid argument requires the name of an online player to remove data from.

/tab reload

  • Permission: tab.reload
  • Description: Unloads the plugin, loads configuration files including changes and loads the plugin.

/tab debug [player]

  • Permission: tab.debug
  • Description: Shows the server version, plugin version, permission group choice logic, and sorting type. If player argument is filled, shows info about that player:
    • On BungeeCord, shows whether player is connected to the backend server with Bridge plugin or not.
    • Sorting value & explanation, useful to see what went wrong if players are not sorted correctly.
    • Primary group set using How to assign players into groups
    • List of all configured properties, their values and source.

/tab group <group>

  • Permission: tab.groupinfo
  • Description: Shows all settings applied to the specified group, both global and per-world / per-server. Handy when plugin is connected to MySQL, where you have no other way to effectively check group settings.

/tab groups

  • Permission: tab.grouplist
  • Description: Shows a list of all groups that have anything assigned to them, either globally or per-world / per-server. Handy when plugin is connected to MySQL, where you have no other way to effectively check your groups.


/tab scoreboard show <name> [player]

  • Permission: for showing to yourself, for showing to others.
  • Description: Shows the scoreboard with the given name, either to yourself if no player was given, or to the given player.

/tab scoreboard [on/off/toggle] [player] [options]

  • Permission: tab.scoreboard.toggle for toggling for yourself, tab.scoreboard.toggle.other for toggling for others.
  • Description: Shows / hides / toggles scoreboard of specified player. If no player was given, command affects the sender.
  • Options:
    • -s for silent toggling (no chat message for affected player)

/tab scoreboard announce <name> <duration>

  • Permission: tab.announce.scoreboard
  • Description: Shows the scoreboard with the given name to every player on the server for the given duration, in seconds.


/tab bossbar show <name> [player]

  • Permission: for showing to yourself, for showing to others.
  • Description: Shows the bossbar with the given name, either to yourself if no player was given, or to the given player.

/tab bossbar [on/off/toggle] [player] [options]

  • Permission: tab.bossbar.toggle for toggling for yourself, tab.bossbar.toggle.other for toggling for others.
  • Description: Shows / hides / toggles bossbar of specified player. If no player was given, command affects the sender.
  • Options:
    • -s for silent toggling (no chat message for affected player)

/tab bossbar announce <name> <duration>

  • Permission:
  • Description: Shows the bossbar with the given name to every player on the server for the given duration, in seconds.

Nametags / Teams

/tab nametag toggle

  • Permission: tab.nametag.toggle
  • Description: Toggles nametag visibility on all players for player who ran the command. Running the command again will make nametags visible again.

/tab setcollision <player> <true|false>

  • Permission: tab.setcollision
  • Description: Forces collision rule for specified player, overriding configuration.


/tab mysql upload

  • Permission: tab.mysql.upload
  • Description: Uploads all data from users.yml and groups.yml to MySQL. MySQL must be enabled and connected for this command to work.

/tab mysql download

  • Permission:
  • Description: Downloads all data to users.yml and groups.yml from MySQL. MySQL must be enabled and connected for this command to work.


/tab cpu

  • Permission: tab.cpu
  • Description: Shows approximate CPU usage of the plugin from the last 10 seconds. There are parts that are impossible to be measured, so this shows slightly less than the real value is. The content is self-explanatory. All major ways to decrease CPU usage can be found at Optimizing the plugin.

/tab parse <player> <text>

  • Permission: tab.parse
  • Description: Replaces all placeholders (both the plugin's internal ones, and those from PlaceholderAPI if it is installed) in the given text. It can be used to verify if a placeholder works as expected.

Additional permissions

  • tab.admin - Allows the player to execute all commands.
  • tab.bypass - If the per-world player list is enabled as well as this permission, it allows the player to see everyone on the server, regardless of what the per-world player list settings allow. For example, if your per-world player list is set up to isolate worlds A and B, players with this permission will see all players from both A and B on their player list, whereas players that don't have the permission will only see either players from world A or players from world B, depending on what world they are in.
  • tab.staff - Allows the player to be counted in the %staffonline% placeholder.
  • tab.spectatorbypass - If enabling bypass permission in Spectator fix, this is the permission.
  • tab.tabcomplete - Allows the player to auto-complete the /tab command.
  • tab.seevanished - Allows the player to see other vanished players on the Global Playerlist and Layout.
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