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Known issues

NEZNAMY edited this page Dec 1, 2024 · 18 revisions


This is collection if minecraft issues/bugs you may experience when using TAB, which are not TAB bugs and cannot be fixed with a plugin.

1.5.x - 1.12.x - Unwanted space

You may see unwanted space at the end of a line of text even if you didn't configure any. This is a client sided bug. To avoid it, add &r after ending bold segment (for example, prefix &4&lAdmin&r&6).

1.15.x - Strikethrough and underline

Using &m (strikethrough) and &n (underline) does not work in header, last line of the scoreboard and possibly other places (MC-180110).

1.20 - 1.20.4 - Chat over tablist

Visual bug rendering chat over the tablist (MC-263256).

1.20.3+ - Text not bold

Since 1.20.3 text configured to be bold (using &l) may not appear bold. Steps to reproduce are currently unknown, if you have any information that may help, let us know.
Clue #1 - It might be a BungeeCord bug breaking bold text. It may or may not have been fixed.

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