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Feature guide: Belowname

NEZNAMY edited this page Oct 18, 2024 · 51 revisions



The scoreboard objective with BELOW_NAME display slot that adds another line of text below nametag of players. It is only visible on players within 8 block range. This value is client sided and cannot be changed by the plugin.

This line automatically appears on all player entities when enabled. Therefore, it is not possible to only display it on some players or not display it on NPCs.

The feature can be configured in config.yml under belowname-objective section.

The feature's properties are displayed as [score] + space + text, where [score] is:

  • number for 1.20.2- (will show 0 on NPCs)
  • fancy-display-players for 1.20.3+ (will show fancy-display-default on NPCs)


Option name Default value Description
enabled true Enables / Disables the feature
number %health% [1.20.2-] An integer from -2147483648 to 2147483647, doesn't support decimal values. The number is always white. Supports placeholders with player-specific output, such as player health. Only visible on 1.20.2 and lower.
Note: Even if you only support 1.20.3+, you still need to configure this value to properly evaluate to a number, because the value is still sent to the client (just not displayed). You can set it to 0 for simiplicity.
fancy-display-players &c%health% [1.20.3+] Any text, supports placeholders with per-player output. Only visible on 1.20.3+.
fancy-display-default NPC [1.20.3+] Default display for all player entities. Plugin uses the value above for every real player, therefore this default value will only appear on player entities which are not actual players, a.k.a. NPCs. Only visible on 1.20.3+.
text Health Text displayed after number. It is formally called scoreboard title, which is displayed on all player entities and value is shared on all players and therefore not bound to specific players, which makes it unable to display the value per-player. It should only contain static text or placeholders which return same value for all players. All inserted placeholders are parsed for the player viewing the text. This is intentional to allow advanced configuration with conditions for per-world values for example.
disable-condition %world%=disabledworld A condition that must be met for disabling the feature for players. Set to empty for not disabling the feature ever.

Additional Info

Additional note 1 - Copying nametag visibility rule

The minecraft feature is programmed to be affected by nametag visibility rule. This means that when nametag is set to invisible, belowname will be invisible as well.

Additional note 2 - Hidden on sneak on 1.8

Belowname is not visible on 1.8.x clients when player is sneaking. This is client-sided behavior and cannot be changed by the server.

Additional note 3 - Visible on NPCs

Belowname objective is automatically attached to all entities of player type with the default value of 0 (<1.20.3) or value configured as fancy-display-default (1.20.3+). This includes player NPCs.

There is currently only 1 way to make them not visible on NPCs. From Additional note 1 - Copying nametag visibility rule we know that belowname is not visible if player's nametag is invisible. NPC plugin can take advantage of this by using teams to hide the original name and display a hologram instead.

This is how you can achieve it using the following popular NPC plugins:

  • Citizens:
    • 1 - Select the NPC (/npc select <ID> or /npc select to select the nearest NPC)
    • 2 - Hide its original nametag (which also hides belowname) using /npc name
    • 3 - Display your desired text using /npc hologram add <text> (more info)

Tips & Tricks

Tip 1 - Heart symbol

If you want to show health of players and display a heart symbol as text, you can use this one: . Make sure you save config in UTF-8 encoding so it's loaded correctly.

  text: "&4❤"

Tip 2 - Displaying health as 0-10 or in %

If you want health to display health as 0-10 instead of 0-20, you can achieve it with PlaceholderAPI:

  • %math_0_{player_health}/2% for 0-10
  • %math_0_{player_health}*5% for 0-100


  • The format is a [score] + space + shared text, where [score] is either a white number (1.20.2-) or any text (1.20.3+).
  • The text is same on all players, therefore cannot be personalized (such as player's faction). Only the [score] can be per-player.
  • It appears on all entites of player type. This includes player NPCs.
  • Text length is limited to 32 characters on <1.13


Example 1 - Per-world values

This feature doesn't directly support per-world values or similar. However, this can be achieved with conditions. Let's make fancy-display-players conditional based on world. Let's make an example with 3 worlds. Check if player is in world world1, then show one text. If not, check if player is in world world2, then show another text. If not, show final text. This can be achieved by chaining 2 conditions:

    - "%world%=world1"
    true: "Text to display in world world1" # Player is in world world1, display the text
    false: "%condition:belowname2%" # Player is not in world world1, check another condition
    - "%world%=world2"
    true: "Text to display in world world2" # Player is in world world2, display the text
    false: "Text to display in other worlds" # Player is not in any of the 2 worlds

Finally, use this condition as value in fancy-display-players:

  fancy-display-players: "%condition:belowname1"

If you are under 1.20.3 and want to make number and text conditional, create 2 condition chains, one for each value and use them.
Note: This is just an example, the plugin is not limited to displaying different values only per world. If you want per server values on BungeeCord, use %server% with server names. If you want worldguard regions, use %worldguard_region_name% with region names. This works for any placeholder offered by the plugin or by PlaceholderAPI.

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