This repository contains the configuration that I use to work, all the files are distributed with the limitations set by the license, which can be consulted from the file LICENSE.
- swayfx - tiling compositor manager;
- wezterm - terminal emulator;
- i3blocks - Status bar;
- Firefox - browser web;
- Filezilla - FTP client;
- alacritty - system terminale;
- SwayNotificationCenter - notification center & notify deamon;
- flameshot - screenshot app;
- thunderbird - mail client;
- iwd - connection manager;
- Grub - bootloader;
- emacs - text editor, markdown editor & LaTeX editor;
- lf - file manager;
- ncpamixer - mixer audio;
- swaylock - lockscreen;
- cliphist - clipboard;
- zsh - system shell;
- elfeed-org - RSS reader;
These are the steps to be able to install my configuration, the comments indicate what you are applying, obviously if you need only a specific part you can copy the single file as the UNIX shell allows you to do.
git clone
# app config
cp -r dotfiles/.config/* .config/
# emacs config
cp -r dotfiles/.emacs.d/ ~
# X session file
cp dotfiles/.xinitrc ~
cp dotfiles/.xprofile ~
# install zi package manager
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" -- -i skip -b main
cp -r .zshrc ~/
cp -r .config/zsh ~/.config/